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Sonoran herpetologist Vol.37 Number 4, 2024 December

Článok zo sekcie Literatúra

obrázok 149 “From Your Treasurer” by M. Fusari

150 “Dr. Royce Eugene Ballinger — 21 February 1942 - 20 November 2023”

150 “Biology of Pitvipers 5 — July 23-26, 2025”

152 “Notes on Reproduction of Canyon TreeFrogs, Dryophytes arenicolor(Anura:Hylidae), from Texas” by S.R. Goldberg

154 “An Unfortunate Nomenclatural Consequence from a Major Contribution in Systematics” by James M. Walker

156 “Distribution of the Arizona Night Lizard, Xantusia arizonae” by R.P.O’Donnell

160 “Biogeography of the Herpetofauna of the Mogollon Rim” by R.L. Bezy

170 “More than a Decade of Conservation Biology and Research in Sonora and Arizona: the Endangered Sonoran Tiger Salamander and Threatened Chiricahua Leopard Frog” by James C.Rorabaugh and Blake R. Hossack

178 “First Identification of Caudal Bifurcation in Laredo Striped Whiptail (Aspidoscelis laredoensis) in Clonal Complex B” by B.T. Camper et al.

181 “Color Polymorphism and Individual Variation in Disparate Populations California Red-legged Frogs (Rana draytonii)” by J.A. Alvarez et al.

185 “Coelomic Accommodation of a Large Clutch in Diploid Parthenogenetic Laredo Striped Whiptail (Aspidoscelis laredoensis) Clonal Complex B” by James E. Cordes et al

187 “Incidence of Lateral Field Spotting in the Prairie Racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineatus viridis)” by S.E. Trauth and J.M. Walker

189 “Predation of the Southern California Legless Lizard (Anniella stebbinsi) by the San Diego Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus similis)” by Ivan Parr et al.

Šéfredaktor | 10.1.2025 05:11 | 0 komentárov | 134x

Dátum: 22.1.2025 15:33:29
URL článku: http://www.vivarista.sk/m/clanky/15679