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Literatúra o akvaristike a blízkych prírodnických odborov v obraze VI.

Článok zo sekcie Literatúra

Pokračovanie Predmetom obsahu tohto článku nie je obsah jednotlivých publikácií, ale iba scany a základné údaje o nich! Všetky tu uvedené publikácie sú súčasťou súkromnej zbierky autora tohto príspevku. Ku dnešnému dňu sa v súkromnej zbierke (šč) nachádza 1685 publikácií.

1293*Dawes: The Pond Owner's Handbook, Hamlyn, 2009

1294*Fletcher: An essential guide to choosing your Koi Colour Varieties, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1295*Hickling, Martin, Brewster, Fletcher: Koi, A colourful and comprehensive celebration of these beautiful ornamental fish, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1296*Dutta: The Right Way To Keep Pet Fish

1297*Hervey, Hems: The Goldfish, Faber and Faber, 1981

1298*Windsor: Pet Owner's Guide To The Goldfish, Ringpress, 2002

1299*Halls: Your Healthy Garden Pond, Interpet Publishing, 2000

1300*Hiscock: Miniencyclopedia Aquarium Plants, Interpet Publishing, 2005

1301*Hunt: What Fish?, A Buyer's Guide To Reef Fish, Interpet Publishing, 2009

1302*Burgess, Axelrod, Hunziker III.: Dr. Burgessr's Mini - Atlas of Marine Aquarium Fishes, T.F.H. Publications, 1997

1303*Vierke: Bettas, Gouramis and Other Anabantoids Labyrinth Fishes of the World, T.F.H. Publications, 1988

1304*Axelrod, Vorderwinkler: Encyclopedia of Fishes, T.F.H. Publications, 1980

1305*Richter: Complete Book of Dwarf Cichlids, T.F.H. Publications, 1989

1306*Cole: The Art of Koi Keeping, A Complete Guide, Blandford, 1990

1307*Lambert: A practical guide to Breeding Your Freshwater Fish, Interpet Publishing, 2001

1308*Thraves: Setting Up a Tropical Aquarium, Week by Week, Interpet Publishing, 2004

1309*Dakin: The book of the Marine Aquarium, Interpet, 1999

1310*O'Connell: The Marine Aquarium fot the home aquarist, John Gifford LTD., The Aquarium Press, 1969

1311*Hunt: The Reef Aquarium, Miniencyclopedia, Interpet Publishing, 2012

1312*Hunt: The Reef Aquarium, Interpet Publishing, 2008

1313*Sprung: The Book of the Marine Aquarium, Interpet Publishing, 2003

1314*Michael: Reef Fishes, Volume 1, A Guide to Their Identification, Behavior, and Captive Care, T.F.H. Publications, 2001

1315*Schmidt: Aquarium Plants, AquaGuide, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1316*Bede: Discus, AquaGuide, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1317*Harper: Aquarium Fish, Collins Nature Guide, 2013

1318*The Complete Aquarium Guide, Fish, Plants and Accessories for your Aquarium, Tandem Verlag, 2005

1319*Alderton: Cichlids, Aquarist Library, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1320*Łątka, Sierakowski: Pielęgnice Jezior Tanganika i Malawi, Poradnik Hodowcy, 2018

1321*Tekriwal, Rao: Ornamental Aquarium Fish of India, Kingdom Books, 1999

1322*Bailey, Sandford: Caring For Your Aquarium, Annes Publishing Limited, 1996

1323*Goodwin: Totally Aquarium Fish, D&S Books, 2007

1324*Alderton: Starter Aquarium, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1325*Palmer: know your pet Aquarium Fish, BLA Publishing Limited, 1988

1326*Gay: Haynes Aquarium Manual, Haynes Publishing, 2009

1327*Mills: Illustrated Guide to Aquarium Fishes, A Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd., 1992

1328*Dawes: The Tropical Freshwater Aquarium, Hamlyn Publishing, 1986

1329*Mills: Understanding Coldwater Fish, Interpet Publishing, 2000

1330*Jinkings: Aquarium Fish, HarperCollins Publisher, 2000

1331*Sandford, Crow: The Manual of Tank Busters, Salamander Books, 1991

1332*Bade: Süßwasserfische, Fritz Pfenningstorff Verlag für Naturliebhaberei, Berlin

1333*Rachow: Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge, Zahnfarpfen I, Die Familie Cyprinodontidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig

1334*Rachow: Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge II.Teil, Die Familie Cyprinodontidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig

1335*Rachow: Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge, Zahnkarpfen III., Die Familie Cyprinodontidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig

1336*Rachow: Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge, Zahnkarpfen IV., Die Familie Poeciliidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig, 1933

1337*Rachow: Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge, Zahnkarpfen V., Die Familie Poeciliidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig, 1933

1338*Rachow: Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge, Zahnkarpfen VI., Die Familie Poeciliidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig, 1933

1339*Rachow: Die Characiniden, Die Characiden III.Teil, Die Characidae: die Hemiodontidae und die Anostomatidae, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig

1340*Meinken: Die Danio - und Brachydanioarten Esomus und Rasbora, Die Danioarten, Bibliothek für Aquariuen und Terrarienkunde, Gustav Wenzel & Sohn Braunschweig

1341*Giwojna: A Step by Step Book About Seahorses, T.F.H. Publications, 1990

1342*Emmens: A Step by Step Book About Tropical Marine Aquarium Fishes, T.F.H. Publications, 1990

1343*Fatherree: Getting Into Mini - Reefs, T.F.H. Publications

1344*Nilsen, Fossa: Reef Secrets, T.F.H. Publications, 2002

1345*Hargreaves: The Complete Book of the Marine Aquarium, Salamander Books, 2002

1346*Dawes: Tropical Aquarium Fish, New Holland Publishers, 1996

1347*Goldstein: A Complete Guide to Cichlids, A Complete Introduction to Cichlids, T.F.H. Publications, 1987

1348*Melke: Success With Cichlids from Lakes Malawi and Tanganyika, T.F.H. Publications, 1993

1349*Burgess: An Atlas of Freshwater and Marine Catfishes, A Preliminary Survey of the Siluriformes, T.F.H. Publications, 1989

1350*Axelrod, Emmens, Burgess, Pronek: Exotic Tropical Fishes, T.F.H. Publications, 1996

1351*500 Ways to be a Better Marine Fishkeeper, Interpet Publishing, 2005

1352*500 Ways to be a Better Tropical Fishkeeper, Interpet Publishing, 2005

1353*Thraves: Setting Up a Tropical Aquarium Week by Week, Interpet Publishing, 2009

1354*Puterbaugh, Borneman: A Practical Guide to Corals For The Reef Aquarium, Crystal Graphics, 1996

1355*Cole: The Art of Goldfish Keeping, Blandford Book, 1995

1356*de Kock, Watt: Koi A handbook on keeping Nishikigoi, New Holland Publishers, 2006

1357*Gilbert: Your First Goldfish, T.F.H. Publications, 1991

1358*Naylor: Marine Animals of The South West, 2000

1359*Hargreaves: The Tropical Marine Aquarium, A David and Charles Book, 1989

1360*Ford: Practical Fishkeeping Feeding Aquarium Fishes, Ringpress Books, 2002

1361*Barrie: A Step by Step Book About Our First Aquarium, T.F.H. Publications, 1987

1362*Emmens: A Step by Step Book About Tropical Fish, T.F.H. Publications, 1988

1363*Glass: Tetras Keeping and Breeding Them in Captivity, T.F.H. Publications, 1997

1364*Fatherree: Hard corals, T.F.H. Publications

1365*Sweeney: The Guide to Aquarium Plants, T.F.H. Publications

1366*Lambert, Quick, Swindells: Pond Plants, Interpet Publishing, 2006

1367*James: Guide To Koi, Interpet Publishing, 2006

1368*Leibel: A Fishkeeper's Guide to South American Cichlids, Salamander Books, 1993

1369*Axelrod: Tropical Fish For Those Who Care, T.F.H. Publications, 1994

1370*Teszársz, Veres: Útmutató a hazánkban előforduló trópusi halak tartásához és tenyéstéhez

1371*Took: Fishes of the Caribbean Reefs, Macmillan Publishers, 1979

1372*Rundle: Practical Fishkeeping, Breeding Livebearers, Ringpress Books, 2002

1373*Whitern: Livebearers, T.F.H. Publications, 1979

1374*Sandford: Aquarium Owner's Manual, Dorling Kindersley, 2004

1375*Dutta: Beginner's Guide to Tropical Fish, Pelham Books, 1985

1376*Tullock: Water Chemistry fot the Marine Aquarium, Barron's, 2002

1377*Walls: Encyclopedia of Marine Invertebrates, T.F.H. Publications, 1982

1378*Vogt: Kleine Aquarienkunde, Urania - Verlag, Leipzig/Jena, 1957

1379*Goodwin: The Tropical Fish Handbook, King Books, 2011

1380*Costantino: Your Freshwater Aquarium, King Books, 2011

1381*The Pets at Home Guide to Tropical Fish, Interpet Publishing, 2006

1382*Fletcher: Caring For Your Pet Tropical Fish, Interpet Publishing, 2000

1383*Barrie: A Beginner's Guide to Goldfish, T.F.H. Publications, 1986

1384*Axelrod, Burgess: Freshwater Angelfishes, T.F.H. Publications, 1979

1385*Vevers: The Mitchell Beazley pocket guide to Aquarium Fishes, Mitchell Beazley Publishers,1980

1386*Wainwright: Observers tropical Fishes, Bloomsbury Books, 1983

1387*Jepson: Aquarium, 2013

1388*Mailand: Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe, Hamlyn, 2000

1389*Mills: How to Care for Your Pond, Kingdom Books, 2002

1390*Lundegaard: Keeping Marine Fish, Blandford Press, 1985

1391*Vevers: Home Aquarium In Colour, The Warwick Press, 1978

1392*What Fish? A Buyer's Guide to Tropical Fish, Interpet Publishing, 2006

1393*Dreyer: A Complete Authoritative Guide Feeding Tropical Fishes The Right Way, T.F.H. Publications

1394*Adler: Fish Behavior: Why Fishes do What They do, T.F.H. Publications, 1975

1395*Walker: All About Cichlids, T.F.H. Publications, 1978

1396*Dawes: Complete Encyclopedia of the Freshwater Aquarium, Interpet Publishing, 2001

1397*Favré: Dictionary of the Freshwater Aquarium, Ward Lock Limited, 1977

1398*Barrie: Goldfish As A New Pet, T.F.H. Publications, 1995

1399*Axelrod, Burgess: Marine Fish, T.F.H. Publications, 1979

1400*Axelrod, Emmens, Sculthorpe, Vorderwinkler, Pronek, Burgess: Exotic tropical fishes, T.F.H. Publications, 1988

1401*Grist, Mills: The Practical Encyclopedia of The Marine Aquarium, Interpet Publishing, 2002

1402*Degen: Discus, A Reference Book, T.F.H. Publications, 1991

1403*Giles: Freshwater Fish of the British Isles, A Guide for Anglers and Naturalists, Swan Hill, 1994

1404*Alderton: Freshwater Aquariums, BowTie Press, 2005

1405*Kurtz: the simple guide to Marine Aquariums, T.F.H. Publications, 2002

1406*Holmes, Pitham, Flecher: Miniencyclopedia Keeping Koi, Interpet Publishing, 2005

1407*Moe: The Marine Aquarium Handbook, Beginner to Breeder, Green Turtle Publications, 1992

1408*de Graaf: Marine Aquarium Guide, The Pet Library, 1973

1409*Wickler: The Marine Aquarium, T.F.H. Publications, 1973

1410*Barker: Starting a Marine Aquarium, T.F.H. Publications, 1980

1411*Axelrod: A Guide to the Selection, Care and Breeding of Corals for the Mini-Reef Aquarium, T.F.H. Publications, 1997

1412*Tullock: Your First Marine Aquarium, A Complete Pet Owner's Manual, Barron's, 2008

1413*Blasiola: The Saltwater Aquarium Handbook, Barron's, 2000

1414*Gay: Choosing the Right Fish for your Aquarium, Hamlyn, Octopus Publishing Group, 2006

1415*Bruton, Merron & Skelton: Fishes of the Okavango Delta & Chobe River, Botswana, Struik Nature, 2018

1416*van der Sleen & Albert: Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco & Guianas, Princeston University Press, 2018

1417*Windsor: All About Tropical Fishkeeping, Ringpress Books

1418*Logemann, Lukhaup: Faszination Bienengarnelen, Dähne Verlag, 2009

1419*Klingbeil: Nano - Süßwasseraquarien, Natur und Tier - Verlag, 2013

1420*Innes's Exotic Aquarium Fishes, A Work of General Reference, T.F.H. Publications, 1994

1421*Axelrod, Warren, Burgess, Pronek, Warren, Axelrod, Boruchowitz: Aquarium Fishes of the World, T.F.H. Publications

1422*Burgess: Marine Aquarium, T.F.H. Publications, 1980

1423*Jennings: 500 Freshwater Aquarium Fish, A Visual Reference to the Most Popular Species, Interpet Publishing, 2006

1424*Glasser: Decorative Aquaria, The Beginner's Tank, Aqualog Special, 1998

1425*Boruchowitz: Aquarium Care of Bettas, T.F.H. Publications, 2006

1426*Dakin: The book of the Marine Aquarium, Interpet Publishing, 2003

1427*Holliday: Coral Reefs, Salamander Books, 1989

1428*Lougher: What Invetrebrate? A Buyer's Guide for Marine Aquariums, Interpet Publishing, 2007

1429*Černý, Filas: Výchovno-vzdelávací program pre záujmový útvar Akvarista pre žiakov 5.-8.ročníka ZŠ, Ústredný dom pionierov a mládeže Klementa Gottwalda v Bratislave, Smena, 1983

1430*Hargrove: The Essential Goldfish, Howell Book House, 1999

1431*Pěnzes, Tölg: Goldfish and Ornamental Carp, A Comprehensive Guide to the Care of Both New and Popular Varieties, Barron's, 1983

1432*Krause: Einführung in die Aquarientechnik, Kosmos, 1981

1433*Schliewen: Einzigartige Aquarienwelt, Süsswasserfische naturnah erleben, Gräfe und Unzer Verlag, 2000

1434*Schaefer: Grundkurs Aquaristik, Ulmer Verlag, 2003

1435*Staeck: Wer weiß was über Skalare?

1436*Rademacher, Mengedoht: Krabben - Fibel, Die schönsten Krabben für das Aquaterrarium, Dähne Verlag, 2011

1437*Siino: The Essential Freshwater Aquarium, Howell Book House, 1998

1438*Ott, Herrmann: Aquarienpraxis für Anfänger, Tetra Verlag, 2006

1439*Kramer: Pflanzenaquaristik á la Kramer, Tetra Verlag, 2009

1440*Staeck: Salmler aus Südamerika, Lebensräume und Pflege im Aquarium, Dähne Verlag, 2008


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